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Embodiment Coaching & Spiritual Guidance


"I am here to offer a way to healing for All in need or want of empathic service. As an Artist and Healthcare Practitioner, I believe in working toward the progression of relief and rejuvenation through expressive art and bodywork for the Mind, Body, and Soul. We each have our own process in life and experiences to resolve and learn from. However, when life takes over at times it may be hard to reach a state of serenity and new beginning. Consistent attention to the well-being of our heart, mind, and body is necessary to Breathe without restraint, to Smile without pain, and to Live the with the fullest appreciation of ourselves and others. Allow yourself the opportunity to experience Unity. The initial engagement of Health begins with your own Will. Just Be. "


Embodiment Coaching & Spiritual Guidance reveals a path that is different for everyone. The most ancient philosophies on health originated in the observation and assessment of one's spirit or essence of belief about oneself and the world. Our thoughts and emotions guide us on the path of the wounded healer and call in guidance from others to re-align with our center of truth and potency to thrive. The body holds this truth and the imprints of our experiences. 5 Element-style Chinese Medicine Assessment, Somato-Emotional Release, Holistic Humanistic Practices, Mindfulness techniques, Family Constellation, Reiki, and Acu-tonics act to balance and support one's journey in the unification of body, heart, mind, and spirit.

Guided Visualization and healing mantras are an essential tool in caring for the self and rebuilding healthy brain loops to fortify the integration and release of trauma and stress, in order to grow toward the embodiment of our highest ideal self. Through the practice of mindfulness one can re-establish a harmonious relationship with self and others by harnessing intention and transforming what is unresolved or no longer serving us. Journaling prompts to expand self-awareness and discernment support the journey to discovering our authentic self. I believe a multi-level approach best serves the multidimensional needs of every being. 

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Self-care Classes, Group Meditation, Constellation Circles, and Transformational Workshops!

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Reiki stimulates the innate ability within each of us to discover our higher sensory capabilities. Laying on of hands and blending with the electromagnetic currents of each cell enables the mental, emotional, and spiritual self to cleanse and remove debris from the entire system. Debris is a general term for  emotional, mental, and physical scar tissue, as well as, excessive negative or discordant vibrations lingering from past occurrence and confrontation. Balancing the energetic body first may liberate and prepare the body to release physical ailments symptomatic of deeper emotional and mental stress. We each incur more than a “bodyfull” of various stress in one year, let alone, a lifetime. Stress build up leads to natural self-defensive reactions that may cause hypertension and hyper-anxiety. The system becomes more and more vulnerable if these blocks are continually stored and not removed. Energy healing is a holistic approach to the entire mind, body, soul complex, enabling the personal transformation of each individual into the Being they live to become.


Medicinal Aromatherapy is a technique that uses mental and emotional recognition through the stimulus of “scentsation.” Scent receptors in the nose and sinus have a direct relationship to the emotional sensory portion of the brain. When we smell aromas anywhere our memory is provoked and we relate to someone or some place that we associate the scent too. Each memory provokes an emotion   we experienced or concluded from a particular circumstance. This reaction may be conscious or sub-conscious. In a therapeutic setting organic scents are utilized to inspire calming and/ or stimulating affects. This motivates the body into a state of meditation and balance where healing may take place. Physical dysfunctions, pain, headaches, and emotional or mental trauma may be relieved.  Aromatherapy offers a plethora of resources for healing the heart, mind, and body. Essential oils used in this therapy may be used in various ways, including cosmetics, perfumery, pharmaceutical remedies, teas, hypnotics, sedatives, household cleansers, and bug repellent!


Acutonics is a technique that uses tuning forks with different frequencies of vibration to the music scale. Tuning Forks are used over the body or directly to stimulate acupressure points in the meridian systems of Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine. Nerve pathways and Chakras are directly opened and cleared with the power of sound and vibration. This sensation creates an integration of stimulation and perception in the body and mind, balancing the hemispheres of the brain. These profound tools of attunement may be used in place of acupuncture for those who are sensitive or for children receiving treatment. 

If you are interested in mindful reflections, healing mantras, and general wellness tips

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“I have never come across anyone so genuinely willing to help a person as Julie is. In all these years she has encouraged and strengthened not only my body but my mind as well. Her healing ability doesn't stop when the session is over but she gives you the tools to go home and continue what she has started. There is no one out there that could compare to Julie's ability to understand and heal a person from the inside out.“   -Chris Delima

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